Is Chirology – hand reading, hand analysis/palmistry?
… a bit of background, history and amusing trivia

Chiro-logy – from Greek for ‘hand’ and ‘study of’ – it’s an in-depth form of hand analysis or hand reading.
What – do chirology, hand reading/analysis and palmistry have in common – looking at your hands, reading the lines. How they are different – a chirologist is interested in every detail, not just the lines, the approach has a scientific background
What we look at – the shape, size and colour/s of your hands, how you hold them, your fingernails, the intriguing skin ridge patterns (dermatoglyphics) on your fingertips – some people have them on their palms as well – the lines on your palms and fingers – pretty much every feature tells a story.
Imagine it like reading the book, an auto-biography of your life – your hands tell the story of who you are, where you came from and, to an extent, where you might be going.
What does the future hold – it would be disingenuous to predict a specific event to happen because, even though we may not always believe it, we all have free will and can take our lives into our own hands (pardon the pun). Outcomes can and do change and so do the lines.
·However, once you know for certain what angers, intimidates, scares or, opposite, inspires, motivates and thrills you, it’s much easier to know where your life story is heading and what you can do about it. Sometimes it is possible to time certain events on some of the lines.
What is it – science or art? I consider it an art with science in the mix too. Again, think of creating a book, one with images – first you have to know what to include, then how to weave the story – but you also need the why, along with inspiration, insight and motivation.
· Chirology combines the scientific understanding of hands and the features of the five elements in nature with intuitive, insightful skills to give you deep insight into who you are and what helps you make the best of your life.
· If you’re looking for your life purpose, it’s in your own hands, if you’re wanting to understand your life challenges (problems, some like to call them), you’re likely to find insight into these in your hands as well.
· Palmistry – focuses mainly on a divinatory interpretation of the lines.

A little history and background
Reading palms and hands goes back thousands of years; both Plato and Aristotle studied it in Ancient Greece, Julius Caesar judged men by the shape of their hands. Even the Bible mentions signs in hands.
In India, China and Japan ancient documents and illustrations show that hand analysis has been practiced there for over 5000 years.
In the early 20th Century, Carl Gustav Jung understood the psycho-analytical value of hand reading. His student, the psychoanalyst Julius Spier spent years on scientific research, incorporating the knowledge into his therapeutic work.
Many more researchers and scientists have produced more than 4500 papers on matters such as the predisposition to physical and psychological illness, even sexual or sportive tendencies that are seen in the hands. Scientific research has proven that conditions such as Asperger’s, anxiety, Down’s syndrome can be seen in the hands.
The Canadian-Israeli professor for alternative medicine, Dr. Moshe Zwang, took this research one step further and developed PALMTHERAPY® which uses a deep understanding of the reciprocal connection between hand and mind to achieve fast and lasting results in many aspects of life.
Gone are the days when superstition and fear fueled the fortune telling predictions of charlatans in travelling shows. Chirology, hand reading or hand analysis, with its more serious, structured form has become a reliable, inspiring method for knowing your life purpose, understanding who you really are and being the best you can be. True self-empowerment that is within your Self, is visible on your hands.
Fingerprints begin to form from 18 weeks after conception and remain unaltered throughout life.
Their scientific name is ‘dermatoglyphic/s’ – from the Greek word origin for ‘skin’ and ‘writing’.
·Although there are only seven different fingerprint patterns, no two person’s fingerprints in the world are identical – you can consider them to be like your own, unique barcode. From them we read about your ‘soul psychology’, your ‘essence’, that which is truly you.

Fun facts
· Structurally, fingernails are actually modified hairs – they can show a lot about your blood circulation, vitamin deficiencies and other health issues.
· You can’t get a tan on your palm or on the underside of the fingers
· Each hand contains 29 major and minor bones, 29 joints, 123 ligaments, 34 muscles, 48 nerves and 30 arteries
·Humans are actually NOT the only creatures to have opposable thumbs – chimpanzees and monkeys have them as well and a koala bear has two! thumbs on each hand. What makes us unique is the ability to rotate small and ring fingers toward the thumb.
Our hands take up about a quarter of the brain’s motor cortex
(which controls all body movement)
· The vein on your ring finger is called Venna Amoris—it has a direct line with the human heart and is known as the vein of love. That’s why we wear an engagement ring on the left hand’s finger.