One of the methods I use is PALMTHERAPY® – it is a specialised method of coaching and therapy, which uses a gentle stimulation of specific points in the palms of your hands to generate self-awareness and self-growth.
“…It combines ancient wisdom with theories based on advanced brain research. It is an efficient, easy to apply method which uses the hand/mind connection in order to allow each one of us to achieve optimum potential, emotional balance, success and fulfilment in any area of life”
This is how Moshe Zwang, a Canadian-Israeli professor for alternative medicine describes the method he founded. He studied the brain-hand connection for decades and developed the basis for PALMTHERAPY®. His official successor is Christian Jaeger, a Swiss naturopath, who has further developed this knowledge and created a unique coaching method for the 21st century.
Being bi-lingual in German and English, I have had the privilege of studying this effective method at the Swiss academy for PALMTHERAPY® and am currently its first and only representative in England.